Cannabinoid Drugs Cannabinoids drugs work by activating the cannabinoid receptors on certain cells, changing the way the brain works. They share the root word with cannabis, or marijuana. With pot…...
In the movies, it seems reasonable when cops recruit criminals as informants to get an inside view of organized crime. In reality, there can be serious problems with the reliability…...
Unintentional Federal Bank Fraud The U.S. Supreme Court has just agreed to hear an appeal by a Utah man. This man was convicted on federal charges of aggravated identity theft,…...
Federal prosecutors in Brownsville have just indicted a former governor of the Mexican state of Tamaulipas and a businessman from that state for federal crimes including money laundering, racketeering, conspiracy…...
U.S. Sentencing Commission In fiscal year 2012, the U.S. Sentencing Commission received 84,173 reports of federal criminal convictions. Of those, 5,768 involved the possession of firearms or ammunition by individuals…...
In May 2006, more than 200 officers finished a 15-month undercover operation called “Operation Fish Bowl” with a massive drug raid. It resulted in the arrests of 41 people on…...
Philanthropist on Trial A prominent international trade lawyer from El Paso is on trial this week, accused of conspiring to launder nearly $500 million for a Mexican drug cartel. The…...
In 2010, a Dallas-based journalist who specializes in exposing ties between the government and private security firms formed an online collective called Project PM. The reporter, whose stories have appeared…...
A former senior policy adviser for the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to plead guilty to federal fraud charges after allegedly explaining his frequent, long absences from work by claiming…...
Zeus Virus Reuters recently broke the story that the infamous “Zeus” virus has been repurposed. “Zeus” installs malware on personal computers that allow hackers to directly control those PCs, has…...